Saturday, August 21, 2010

Natural Sweating Remedies Pt. 3: Nurture Your Sweat Response Nature

By Natural Sweating Remedies Editor Daven Deloreon

(Editor's note: this is Part 3 in a three-part series of posts on Natural Sweating Remedies. Here's Part 1 and here's Part 2)

Although you can naturally delay your overactive sweating reflex and the time it takes to trigger nose reflexes with some natural outer body applications, if you're an overactive sweater you're going to still run into some gusher situations that make all that seem pointless if you don't treat the inner body.

If sweat pours when it might not even need to be dripping, then it's time to stop thinking symptomatically like doctors are trained to. When it comes to irregularity in the vital bodily response that is sweating, the time is now to ask one simple question: what does my sweat say about my health.

By the way: If you can't bring yourself to fight a daily 'war on sweat' with big pharma funding chemical warfare, I recommend you also check out the 100s of pages of natural ways to make peace with your sweat response in this audio/ebook guide, by former sweat casualty Matt Stec. Although Stec lets you have it for free if salt water doesn't stop washing away your style of life, be prepared to change your lifestyle. As he points out, and akin to everything I discuss here: it's a "lifelong solution", not a "magical instant cure."

Knowing Why You Over-Sweat is Knowing How Not to

Naturopathic doctors, paying heed to ancient types of medicine such as Chinese, recognize that when something hurts it's always the sign of something else that hurts.

All your bodily systems, including your sympathetic nervous system which produces sweat to regulate your heat and fluid levels, are interdependent, each one relying on the others for its very existence. Following logic, to effectively heal one, you must heal them all.

For example: You drink a hot coffee which, because of its heat and the fact that it's a stimulant, causes a raise in your body temperature, which, sequentially, stimulates the a gland (hypothalamus) in the brain that gives the sweat glands their queue. If you have overactive sweat glands your body will be over cooled for a time, causing the whole body to direct its efforts to heating it up again. This throws everything out of balance.

In addition, even if you solve your overactive sweat gland problem, the organs in your digestive system may be toxified and taxed causing your body to overheat during digestion, which triggers the hypothalamus to trigger the sweat glands.

Or, maybe you have social anxiety caused by your embarrassingly leaky skin, which to complete a full proverbial vicious cycle, cause's your body to heat up and triggers the sweat response! In this case, your nervous system's needs also needs to be fully addressed if you are going to achieve perspiration perfection.

The natural sweating remedies listed below may require weeks of adherence to get results but once you find the right ones for you will see permanent results. Each of them works to aid different systems in the body that effect sweating in different ways, so depending on where you have the most imbalance, you will find that some work better than others and that one might work by itself.

Natural Sweating Remedies: Nature's Sweat System Allies

1. Be a Sage

Sage is an extremely special bundle of natural goodness when it comes to nutrition. Turns out it's just as sagacious (a wise old sage once told me) of a choice for stopping profuse sweating, being a natural antiperspirant. (I'm sure the makers of Secret are glad I let that 'secret' slip.) Sage contains nutrients that calm sweat-producing nerve fibers - in other words, it prevents sweating at the root cause. Make sage tea by boiling fresh (dried are fine too) sage leaves. You can add some honey or stevia and lemon to this to make it more palatable but make sure you can taste the sage goodness. Drink this twice a day.

2. The Homeopath Less Traveled

Herbs and other ingredients from plants and animals, contain extremely potent sources of chemicals needed by the body. When diluted and prescribed according to the 'law of similars' (simply put: matching the symptoms with the effects of the chemical) these natural wonders become a homeopathic remedy. The right combination of chemicals from nature equals the right combination of punches to effectively knockout your sweating problem. These desired effects include:

Rebalancing your body's fluid levels
Promoting the proper elimination of toxins through bodily fluids
Calming yourself in social situations that have caused you to spout
Regulating the body's temperature
And most importantly actually reign in your overzealous sweat glands
See your naturopath to get help with putting together the right homeopathic excessive sweating tonic based on your body's particular reason's for dripping for seemingly no good reason.

3. Tomato, Tomato

Ever encountered those old-wives'-tales, from your grandma or parents about bathing in tomato juice after being skunked? Turns out they're old but not old-fashioned. People still do this today to eliminate the anti-perfume that is skunk odor. Now you could sit in this stuff to deodorize and cleanse your sweaty areas but tomatoes have been reported by many to act as a cure for excessive sweating if let it sit inside of your stomach. Drink two glasses of pure, freshly juiced and organic tomato juice daily.

4. Sweet and Sour Sweat Stopper

Okay, here's a quick and tasty sweating remedy that I have come across online and although I haven't needed to try it myself, the sheer hullabaloo that has formed around this one remedy on is pretty telling and I know from experience that its ingredients are miracle workers. Although this sweat-less recipe apparently hasn't worked for everyone on that site, some people seem to have not paid attention to details or given it enough time (1-2 weeks). The details are few though because it's this simple:
  1. mix 2x tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) (unfiltered, raw variety) along with 2 tablespoons of organic honey (in a thick and also raw state)
  2. take this mixture 3x daily on an empty stomach (between meals and before bed)
Not sure why these two are like the Batman and Robin of excessive Sweat-Fighters but they are both nutritionally super powered. ACV for example is filled with minerals and trace elements that actually boost digestion, absorption and elimination, which is why it is helpful in treating so many ailments including overweight, constipation and acid-reflux. Since it detoxifies and purifies the organs, this sour saviour will also ensure that your sweat is less toxic and sour smelling. Raw honey, well don't get me started on just how action-packed this one is. Suffice it to say that any food that is a natural antibiotic and disinfectant at once is good to have watching your back.

5. Needless to Say

Ok maybe it does need to be said, not being entirely obvious to the average non-acupuncturist, but acupuncture is a common treatment in Chinese medicine for hyperhidrosis. Since it works to restore balance in the body by activating and deactivating different parts of the brain via pressure points, it should restore balance to a  person's sweat response. If your acupuncturist is also a believer in Chinese herbal medicine, he will likely also encourage you to assist the process of increasing your body's levels of Qi (vital energy) or reduce Heat (metaphor for imbalance) with Chinese herbs.

6. Don't Worry, it's Not Charcoal

Nasty looking black stuff with an incredible knack for sucking up and neutralizing many times their own weight in toxins, activated charcoal is used regularly by emergency response teams to save poison victims. Turns out it also seems to help regulate the body's ability to detoxify itself without excessive sweating. If your organs are toxified Activated Charcoal, which is not charcoal but coconut shells cooked in the absence of air if that makes it any more appetizing, may help your reduce your sweating withing days. Be careful with this one though as it may decrease absorption of certain nutrients and is not recommended for frequent use.

An Important Reminder: Everybody responds differently to different health treatments. The contents of this article are provided strictly for informational purposes, on an 'AS IS' basis, and are not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a licensed medical professional before using any excessive sweating related plan of treatment or product product. Only a licensed medical professional is qualified to determine whether the primary cause of any sweating you deem excessive is hyperhidrosis or one of the following underlying conditions: any infection that causes a fever, Hodgkins' disease, tuberculosis, overactive thyroid, heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, malaria, liver and kidney disease, blood sugar irregularities and menopause. (Note: the preceding list may not be complete.)

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