Friday, August 20, 2010

Natural Sweating Remedies Pt. 1: Unnatural Sweating is No Sweat For Mother Nature

By Natural Sweating Remedies Editor Daven Deloreon

Does your unnatural propensity for raining buckets off your body, rain or shine, make you want nature to bring the rain, just so you and the kid at the end of the block who wets his pants won't be the only ones' soaked?

"Look, sweating ain't a bad thing and all and it's just keeps you cool...blah, blah, yada, blada" - that's everyone that hasn't had to drive around with their arms hanging out like chicken wings just so their shirt armpits don't turn into water balloons talking, right there.

By the way: If you can't bring yourself to fight a daily 'war on sweat' with big pharma funding chemical warfare, I recommend you also check out the 100s of pages of natural ways to make peace with your sweat response in this audio/ebook guide, by former sweat casualty Matt Stec. Although Stec lets you have it for free if salt water doesn't stop washing away your style of life, be prepared to change your lifestyle. As he points out, and akin to everything I discuss here: it's a "lifelong solution", not a "magical instant cure."

That's the roughly 99 per cent of the population who haven't contemplated putting on a second undershirt and wearing black before heading out to the beach for a family get together (not a funeral in the north pole!) and having to try and avoid an akward situation without hugging or extending their hand. That's for everyone who hasn't tried to look someone in the eye and shake their hand when their own fingers are dripping like they must be popsicles and their eyes are burning from a combination of bodily fluids and hair gel that's running down their forehead, all under air-conditioned conditions.

For the rest of us that know that wetting (or 'swetting') yourself in places other than your crotch is like the grown up version of peeing your pants at kindergarten, except as an adult you're putting reputation on the line in front of people that put bread on your table, not playdough, or people that you one day hope to enjoy that bread with, there has to be a better way. Look, hyperhidrosis (excessive, uncontrollable sweating) may not be fatal but it can be hyper fatal to your self esteem, your self-sustaining career, your ability to get up in the morning and live a fullfilling (not, bucket filling) life. For us, those who hope for the clouds to break before we can break a sweat while outside in public, luckily nature has a few more ways to level the bodily H20 playing field.

The Gravity Ignoring 'War on Sweat'

Natural sweating remedies aren't just 'the way nature intended it' but they are the way to restore your natural sweat response without doing unnatural things, with unintended consequences. The conventional wisdom out there on sweating is about as wise as taking advice directly from pharmaceutical companies, who thrive on keeping you in need of 'treatment'. Nature nullifying shenanigans, (what your Family Doctor/Dermatologist was probably taught during their drug company sponsored 'education')  like:

1. Anti-Human Anti-Perspirants

Using tons of aluminum filled anti-perspirant, which passes through the skin, enters your sweat ducts and your blood stream and feeds aluminum to the brain if your doctor doesn't tell you to put it straight on your forehead for facial sweat. (You'll agree this is a weapon if you know what advanced alzheimers/dementia is.) Even this won't stop the gusher. It just builds an artificial dam that's gonna bust wide open eventually. Never mind the fact that one of your sweat glands functions is to purge you of toxins, which makes filling yourself with highly toxic heavy metals see why that doesn't add up to sweating problem solved.

2. The Anti-Perspirant Army Tank

Using tons of stronger and more aluminum filled prescription grade anti-perspirant. Need I say more? I can and will. If this anti-perspirant stuff worked the companies selling it would be out of business instead of telling you to 'Apply liberally 2-4 times each day.' The skin ain't a brick wall - it's the biggest organ and a gateway to your bloodstream. Toxic blood streaming to the brain is not natural and personally I'd rather smell au naturale, but nice psychopathic attempt on my life big pharma!

3. Botoxic

Getting botulinum toxin (botox) injections every few months as if you're Cher or something. Um, you did see the word 'toxin' in that last sentence, didn't you? And how about the word 'injections'? Want dozen of them in your armpits or on your hands (requires anesthesia) regularly and forever? Me neither!

4. Doing High School Science Experiments on Yourself

It's called Iontophoresis. Ion what? Ions like those electricity things from high school science class? You got it. This one is probably the most blatant and unsympathetic attempt to hoodwink the sweater into thinking he has play god with his sympathetic nervous system. It is supposed to 'constric the sweat ducts'. It IS 'painful' and counter-intuitive enough to cause a sane person to safeguard that sanity and go looking for another option. And oh, a prescription device for this masochistic activity'll run you hundreds of bucks.

5. Cut it out 

 Surgery. Um anyone up for deflating their left lung and actually cutting wires in their sympathetic nervous system? Even if this surgery is almost guaranteed to cause irreversible nerve damage? Even if in many cases, according to an article on, sweating returns within two years. Even if you'll almost certainly start compensatory sweating - a nice and lab coat clean and disinfected way of saying your body stops sweating in one area and starts in another.
    Regulate the Flow or You're Just Redirecting it

    The lesson learned from this carnival horror house of sweating 'treatments' I've just driven your through? It goes like this: unless you work with nature, your sweating ship is gonna sink. No matter how many holes you plug, when the water's flowing in a new leak is bound to spring!

    Finding Your Natural Sweat Response Sweet Talkers

    So what's nature's harmonic answer? Well mother earth's wisdom is such that she never looks at a problem from one angle and she always comes up with a multi-factoral solution. She also knows that, like in nature, no two people or anything are a mirror image of eachother and so different people will respond better to different approaches.

    In the two posts that complete this natural sweating remedies series, I go through some of those approaches for you to test out, both preventative and curative. The combination of a few fundamental daily sweat/sweat bacteria avoidance practices ( to make sure you don't open the sweating floodgates unnecessarily and don't smell once they are opened) and a holistic regimen for healing all the disfunctional paths in your body that lead to the production of too much of the salty and wet, form a life of sweating without 'sweating it'.

    In Part 2, you'll learn about making your sweating problem smaller with a natural daily routine for prolonging your daily freshness/dryness factor, before you get into curing the root a couple of extra tips to give you a boost of confidence in your most embarrassing recurring situations.

    Get your natural sweat control fresh-start with:

    An Important Reminder: Everybody responds differently to different health treatments. The contents of this article are provided strictly for informational purposes, on an 'AS IS' basis, and are not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a licensed medical professional before using any excessive sweating related plan of treatment or product product. Only a licensed medical professional is qualified to determine whether the primary cause of any sweating you deem excessive is hyperhidrosis or one of the following underlying conditions: any infection that causes a fever, Hodgkins' disease, tuberculosis, overactive thyroid, heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, malaria, liver and kidney disease, blood sugar irregularities and menopause. (Note: the preceding list may not be complete.)

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