Friday, September 10, 2010

Excessive Facial Sweating Remedies - the Best Remedy is Rebalance

By Natural Sweating Remedies Editor Daven Deloreon

Facial sweat is kind of like a mask: when it's on, no one is ever going to see you quite for who you are. Unlike a mask though, if you have excessive facial sweating related to a seemingly incurable hyperactivity of your sweat glands (primary facial hyperhidrosis), you can't just put it on and off when you need it - in this case, to cool your face off and cleanse it of certain chemicals.

One Step Beyond Common Excessive Facial Sweating Remedies

Did you notice I said 'seemingly incurable,' when describing the overzealousness of your cheek and forehead sweat glands in the deep layer of you skin? Well, although you've been trained to believe by the medical-pharmaceutical complex that the solution to excessive facial sweating (even though it, by definition, is a preventative measure) lies in the pores, present in the top layer of the skin, and clogging them up, or in shooting the messenger that sends sweat into battle (acetylcholine), with injections or drugs, this is really just an upstream battle. A battle only big pharma and so-called 'modern medicine' can win (by cashing in on it).

To get to the bottom of excessive facial sweating, you need to go beyond the pores in the top layer of the skin and even beyond the sweat glands in the deepest layer. If you're waging war on your sweat glands and their natural process (however scewed it may be) with common sweat weapons, you waging war on the involuntary response that is sweating. However, as Rob Johnson illustrates in his holistic plan, 'No Sweat!' (included in the 'Stop Sweating Start Living Package'), you voluntarily do things daily which cause the sweat gland messenger that I mentioned earlier (acetylcholine), to be given more taps on the shoulder by the gland in brain that calls the facial sweat shots (the hypothalumas) then it ought to get. It's in taking actions that trigger this part of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), that you trigger your facial sweating.

The Whole-istic Excessive Facial Sweating Remedy

If you sweat excessively facially, or anywhere (due to primary hyperhidrosis), you do this because your SNS is over-itching, if you will, to pull the trigger on your essential sweat response, sending out too many messengers, when it does. If you're putting your body through more stress than in can handle on a daily basis you create this imbalance in your SNS. The answer then to finding a healthy balance in your face's heating and cooling process - in your SNS in other words - is to find a healthy balance in your lifestyle. No one remedy can achieve this, but the right combination of changes in all area of your life is the one big excessive facial sweating remedy that gets lifelong results. You ARE, although genetics play a part, to a great extent responsible. And, therefore, you ARE in control.

Any habit that allows your body to function more smoothly, with the least resistance in other words (especially from unnatural forces), improves the function of your SNS. Reducing stress, in other words should be your goal and any habit that accomplishes and maintains lower stres, such as exercise, meditation, message or a natural and nutritions diet substitution, will work to normalize your facial sweating.

Facial Over-sweating Remedies Staring at You as They Go in Your Face

The biggest contributor to unnecessary physical and mental stress leading to excessive facial sweating in most people today is diet. If you live the highly stressful, so called 'civilized' (most primitive people work only a four hours/day by the way), lifestyle of the modern world and are constantly surrounded by the toxins that are its deadly by-products, your body needs even more nutrition to maintain normal function, than the jungle dwelling, self sufficient type. Unfortunately, this endless pursuit driven lifestyle is most conducive to the consumption of 'convenience' foods, which usually are consistent mostly of things are body considers toxic or useless, such as genetically modified oils, refined sugars and heavy metal fillers (like mercury in high fructose corn syrup).

Here's a sampling of the most crucial diet changes for reducing stress and sweating of all types, which I've discovered by trial and error and in Johnson's aforementioned guide inlcuded with Stop Sweating Start Living ('No Sweat!'):

Listen to your body - eat foods that your body responds to best, giving you immediate long term energy rather than indigestion and a feeling of sluggishness, being especially careful to avoid foods that cause allergic reactions. Doing so will improve and stabilize your metabolism (your ability to burn calories) (and your sweat response regulating SNS).

Eat from nature not science labs - if you follow step one, you'll likely discover in a hurry that the 'convenience' foods of today, given the illusion of being of substance, with synthetic 'filler ingredients made in labs, are not compatible with your body. Any foods that are processed or drastically altered from their natural state (i.e. genetically modified organisms), cause your digestive system fits and toxify and tax your organs (did I mention you sweat to release toxins as well), ultimately causing SNS imbalance and facial sweat. Eat simple, freshly prepared meals.

Sweeten smartly - refined sugar makes our blood sugar and metabolism go haywire and, in turn, our SNS. They are also adrenal stimulants, causing the release the blood pressure raising hormone cortisol. Be careful with any ingredient ending in 'ose. Also reconsider eating artificial sweeteners which kill brain cells and commit hundreds of other scientifically proven injustices on our bodies. Use natural sweeteners such as honey, fruit/fruit juice, maple syrup or stevia (a 'no-calorie' alternative) and consider reducing your sugar intake, in general.

Avoid stimulants - we already talked about one stimulant that puts your body into a state of flux (sugar). Two others that are probably even more likely to cause a paralysing facial sweat attack are caffeine and nicotine. If you smoke, you may think of your habit as being a stress reliever but actually it puts you into a heightened state of anxiety (which is why you keep coming back to it, oddly enough), not to mention the stress all the chemicals cause on your organs.

Avoid alcohol - it dilates vessels in the skin causing a raise in your body temperature, causing facual sweating

Become better acquainted with the letter b - b-vitamins are considered the "stress" vitamins because your body can't store them and must have them at all times to combat stress. Most people, likley because they don't follow the first couple of recommendations, don't get enough of these, even those who spend thousands on supplements. Tuna, clam, salmon, beef, whole wheat and rice are a small selection of the plethora of tasty foods high in certain members of the B family of vitamins.

A Win-Win Excessive Facial Sweating Solution

I hope you can see that the remedy to excessive facial sweat isn't some secret potion of far out things grown in far off places. On the contrary it starts everyday when you get up and in places as close to you as your kitchen. The more you work with and not against your body, by giving it what it needs to function smoothly, the more it will thank you by keeping your face dry and your day going smoothly.

An Important Reminder: Everybody responds differently to different health treatments. The contents of this article are provided strictly for informational purposes, on an 'AS IS' basis, and are not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a licensed medical professional before using any excessive sweating related plan of treatment or product product. Only a licensed medical professional is qualified to determine whether the primary cause of any sweating you deem excessive is hyperhidrosis or one of the following underlying conditions: any infection that causes a fever, Hodgkins' disease, tuberculosis, overactive thyroid, heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, malaria, liver and kidney disease, blood sugar irregularities and menopause. (Note: the preceding list may not be complete.)

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