Friday, September 3, 2010

Excessive Sweating Homeopathic Remedy: A Sweater's Leap of Faith

Excessive sweating symptoms can be downright debilitating, so for anyone who has ever felt like they are drowning in their bodily fluids, the idea of opening the floodgates some more with the hope that your body will wake up and do something to close them is pretty unthinkable. This, however, is a description of one the favorite tricks in the repertoire of naturopath's today for treating all types of ailments, including the symptoms of excessive sweating: homeopathy.

By the way: If you can't bring yourself to fight a daily 'war on sweat' with big pharma funding chemical warfare, I recommend you also check out the 100s of pages of natural ways make peace with your sweat response in this audio/ebook guide, by former sweat casualty Matt Stec. Although Stec lets you have it for free if salt water doesn't stop washing away your style of life, be prepared to change your lifestyle. As he points out, and akin to everything I discuss here: it's a "lifelong solution", not a "magical instant cure."

Although it may present quite a leap of faith mentally to try one, there are several ingredients from nature that have long been used to treat symptoms of excessive sweating homeopathically, such as sweating in the absence of heat or exercise, anxiety and cold extremities. And because homeopathic medicine treats individual symptoms, not conditions, in observance of its fundamental belief that everyone arrives at the same conditions in at least slightly different ways, a naturopath will be able to treat the foremost contributors to your sweating condition most aggressively. Below I give some insight on the common ingredients used to treat excessive sweating homeopathically.

Common Excessive Sweating Homeopathic Remedies (NOT Home Remedies)

Note: These compounds may be dangerous if not taken properly, so only take them as prescribed by a licenced medical professional.

Nat Mur (AKA Table Salt)

OK it's just salt. You have it on your kitchen counter. That's true but when delivered in a homeopathic form it can actually trigger the body to respond to fluid imbalances you're having that are causing your sweat problem. Having a tonic effect on the skin and glands, this remedy is commonly used by homeopaths to control the secretion of fluids from the body, including sweat.

Castoreum (AKA You'll Never Guess What This is)

Well, this is going to sound more than a little odd but so is sweating like your trying to fill a bucket: Castoreum comes from the dried scent glands of male beavers. It may not sound like an appetizing drink (or safe -  gulping it down'll probably kill you) but if taken diluted in the correct dose, this homeopathic wonder can actually prevent the icy feelings associated with some excessive sweating cases and the sour smell, as well.

Lupulus (AKA Hops)

Derived from the flowers of the female hop plant, which have long been used as a calmative to treat central nervous system disorders such as anxiety, stress and insomnia. Lupulus is prescribed as a homeopathic remedy for clammy or greasy excessive perspiration.

Argentum Nitricum (AKA Silver Nitrite)

This is as toxic as it sounds, taken from a chemical solution of the mineral ore and was originally used medicinally to clean wounds due to its antiseptic quality. Argentum nit is used in homeopathy to treat those with panic, anxiety and fear, common causes of excessive sweating.
Homeopathy - An Excessive Sweat Response Emergency Response

I hope you can see that these are not designed to be taken like typical herbal remedies for sweating (i.e. 'eat/drink sage - the more the better'). You are walking a fine line, with harm on one side and no sweating effect on the other, when you take these homeopathic elixirs and that fine line ought to be drawn by a licensed homeopathic practitioner. Having said that, it's a fine line that can cause your body to respond to your sweating problem by itself. Should you try a homeopathic remedy for your excessive sweating? Well, it is a lot easier and cheaper to try some herbal home remedies but if those don't help this may be the answer your sweat response finally responds to.

An Important Reminder: Everybody responds differently to different health treatments. The contents of this article are provided strictly for informational purposes, on an 'AS IS' basis, and are not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a licensed medical professional before using any excessive sweating related plan of treatment or product product. Only a licensed medical professional is qualified to determine whether the primary cause of any sweating you deem excessive is hyperhidrosis or one of the following underlying conditions: any infection that causes a fever, Hodgkins' disease, tuberculosis, overactive thyroid, heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, malaria, liver and kidney disease, blood sugar irregularities and menopause. (Note: the preceding list may not be complete.)

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