Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stop Underarm Sweating at Home - Work With the Flow

By Natural Sweating Remedies Editor Daven Deloreon 

As you know if you've ever ran covert operation 'hide your pit stains/odor' while you should be focused on work, play or having a social life, unnecessary armpit sweat is the kind of thing that makes you want to never leave home.

But what if I told you that you could stop underarm sweat from damaging your day's productivity and nudging it's way in between you and your partner during your nightlife, before you leave home every morning? What if the very ingredients for achieving this were in your house right now? Don't throw your arms in the air in victory yet, because there is work to be done, but the scientific truth is this: you can and 'they' are.

Stop Underarm Sweating at Home Step 1 - Stop Fighting an Upstream Battle

The first way that you can stop excessive underarm sweating at home, isn't actually by using something you have in your house right now, but by not using it. Heavy metal filled antiperspirants and chemical laden deodorants, aside from damaging your brain (wish I was kidding), actually promote a state of underarm sweating flux. By using them you're waging a never ending upstream battle to stop sweat by clogging it's passageways, in the outer layer of the skin. Well you're body may not be sweating for reasons you can deal with but it is sweating for a reason and clogging your pores is not going to stop it. once your sweat dam breaks you'll only end up with a sudden gush of sweat. Using soap and body washes can have the same effect.

On top of that, using these products leads to odor as the ingredients your filling the holes with combine with the sweat (which is how antiperspirants clog the pores by the way) to form bacteria. For proof of this one must only be pointed to the success of the over simplistic, in my view, Stop Sweating and Start Living guide, which is based on this simple concept. The guide it includes, No Sweat! by Rob Johnson goes into a complete holistic plan for treating the cause of excessive underarm sweat. This is what we're going to get into next and I'll include a few of Johnson's best strategies.

Stop Underarm Sweating at Home Step 2 - Nature's Right Guard Killers

The first way to stop the cause of excessive underarm sweating at home, without unnaturally fighting the flow, is to replace the antiperspirants (which I hope you've thrown out by now) with natural alternatives. Believe it or not, there are, very well hidden from you by big pharma, things in nature that not only kill underarm bacteria and odor, but prevent wetness. And yes, you will almost certainly have at least one of them in your house and all of them are likely nearby, at your local grocery or health food store. Here are a few of these real 'Secrets' (a little pun):

Cold Water - closes pores in as little as a ten minute soak and for a couple of hours
Tea, citrus fruit juice and vinegar - all natural antiperspirants (AKA astringents) and deodorants that you can add to your cold soaking water, clean with using a damp towel and protect with by wiping on with a cotton ball
Baking soda - another astringent/bacteria fighter which when combined with the ingredients above makes an excellent scrub; also a nice layer of external wetness protection
Most essential oils used in aromatherapy - astringents and bacteria killers again; do a google search to make sure the ones you have fit the bill

Stop Underarm Sweating at Home Step 3 - Eat For Your Body's Tastes and Yours

The second way to stop excessive underarm sweating at home most peaceably, is to eat for a relaxed mind and a smoothly operating body. Most people's diets today give their body so many things that it doesn't know what to do with and thereby toxify and tax it. Being stuffed to the hilt with deadly fillers, these processed 'convenience foods' also don't contain enough of the essential nutrients your mind and body need to function at its best, creating disharmony between its systems, which is a key word when describing the problems that lead to excessive sweating, come to think of it.

To make matters worse, the majority of the 'dead calories' they contain are refined sugars or refined starches that essentially act like sugar in the body. Refined sugar is a major cause of anxiety related symptoms and anxiety is one of the major causes of excessive sweating because the mental imbalance it causes, in turn causes the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) (which reacts to anxiety or other blood heaters to produce sweat) to have a loose sweat response trigger. Rob Johnson discusses this truly vital SNS response and how to stop it in great detail in his book No Sweat!, which is currently only available as part of the Stop Sweating and Start Living package. Here are some of his (and a few of my) diet recommendations for normalizing your excessive underarm sweat response:

Listen to your body - if it doesn't go down and out smoothly then it's trouble; especially avoid foods your allergic to
Eat naturally - if you wouldn't happily eat an ingredient on its own it's probably not a good idea to eat in in something else
Avoid stimulants - put a tight lease on your consumption of caffeinated coffee, chocolate, sugar and cigarettes which all stimulate a 'fight of flight' response
Stay hydrated with water - as counter-intuitive as it sounds, this works to balance your sweat response because it helps your body work the way it was designed to
Eat foods with B-Vitamins - they're used by our body daily to combat stress; found in meats and most nuts and seeds and seafood

Stop Underarm Sweating at Home Step 4 - Put the Whole into Holistic

Just like you're preventing stress on your body and SNS by eating right you can do the same with proper exercise, rest and relaxation. Since a blog post is no place to go into this in the detail it deserves, I recommend you check out No Sweat! (a Stop Sweating Start Living Bonus) for a complete guide to reducing stress related underarm sweat. The one stress-reduction tip from Johnson's guide that I can't help but share is breathing. I know you do it already but the truth is that when you're stressed out you're not doing it very well and this causes fatigue, anxiety, restlessness and ultimately unnecessary sweating. Deep breathing on the other hand reduces the activity of the SNS, reducing sweat. Practice deep breathing on your back using your stomach and diaphragm to help air come in and out of your body.

Give Your Body More and Get Less Underarm Sweat

As long as you are working with and not against your body's natural functions by taking away toxins and meeting its needs, it will meet your underarm sweating needs. Doing this at home is as simple as gradually replacing your old habits with the new ones and making note of which ones have the greatest effect. Then when you've got a date with destiny, you don't have to worry about your destiny (and in the process self fulfill the wrong one). You can just suit up, so to speak, by giving your sweat response what makes it respond the best.

An Important Reminder: Everybody responds differently to different health treatments. The contents of this article are provided strictly for informational purposes, on an 'AS IS' basis, and are not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a licensed medical professional before using any excessive sweating related plan of treatment or product product. Only a licensed medical professional is qualified to determine whether the primary cause of any sweating you deem excessive is hyperhidrosis or one of the following underlying conditions: any infection that causes a fever, Hodgkins' disease, tuberculosis, overactive thyroid, heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, malaria, liver and kidney disease, blood sugar irregularities and menopause. (Note: the preceding list may not be complete.)

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