Click Here to End Excessive Exercise Sweating in 5 Natural Steps!
The Source of Exercise Sweating Confusion
If your sweat response over responds to your perfectly normal efforts to get a more responsive body, it clearly has a problem understanding that you're not in a desert adventure race every time you go for a jog. When it's supposed to be simply giving your hot skin some cool liquid to evaporate, so it too can be cool and, so you can add a few steps to your pace, preventing friction in those possibly a little to well acquainted body parts, like your inner thighs, it's giving you a shower in the liquid you need to keep going. If your excessive sweating is the result of primary hyperhidrosis (over-activity of the sweat glands not related to an underlying condition) this mixing up of signals between you and your body takes place due to an over-eager triggering of a certain sweat response messenger (acetylcholine), by a certain gland in your brain (the hypothalamus).
Exercise Plus These Two = Less Excessive Exercise Sweating
Although this process undertaken by your sympathetic (in this case, unsympathetic) nervous system (SNS) is involuntary, how often it produces sweat and how much it produces, are both actually very much in your control. Just as you would be wise to do when planning a running routine, the key is to find, as Rob Johnson puts it his natural excessive sweating treatment guide, 'No Sweat!', the 'right balance' of stress and rest. Excessive stress, both physical and mental, which is so easily acquired in this artificial society of great excess, causes the SNS to act out when you're working out.
The best way to reduce this stress is not to stop exercising, unless you aren't noticing tangible physical and mental benefits. In fact, exercise is one of the three pillars of Johnson's plan to relieve the SNS and reduce excessive sweating. It is, instead, to take a total lifestyle approach to controlling your stress, the other two aspects of which are diet and relaxation. Since your stress levels are already benefiting from the mental tonics and stress hormones produced through exercise to help you relax and diet is joined, so to speak, to exercise, let's cover how you can rebalance your SNS and sweat response with nutrition.
Eat Like an Athlete, Not a Lab Rat
Foods that are foreign to your digestive system or that stimulate stress causing hormones (most of what most people eat today), increase its tendency to waste precious water and minerals when you need them most (during exercise). By avoiding these foods that cause undue stress on your body, such as typical genetically modified, nutrient depleted fast food and stimulant containing substances like coffee and sweets, you can actually re-enable your SNS to find the sweet spot on its heating and cooling gauge, while you exercise. Not only are these common diet staples making your body work overtime and taxing and toxifying your organs but they are actually depleted of the nutrients you need to combat stress and calm the nerves, particularly the b-vitamins, calcium and magnesium.
Speed Up Your Race to Less Excessive Sweating During Exercise
Once you have stopped beta testing toxins for the world's food suppliers and started eating a dignified diet, a nice way to natural speed up your progress is supplementation. Just to make sure you don't think I'm giving you an easy way out here, I want to remind you that no supplement (or combination of them) is a replacement for a balanced diet and lifestyle in general, when balancing the sweat response. Now, since vitamins in pill form are really expensive and really ineffective for anyone who is toxified at all (most everyone), the best way to do this is through ingredients in, or extremely close to, their natural form.
The one herb that Johnson devotes several pages to in No Sweat!, probably due mainly to its scientifically proven ability to reduce excessive sweating, is sage. Sage, which can be used internally and externally, is not only an astringent, naturally preventing sweat from making its way to the skin, but it's high in the stress-fighting b-vitamins and nerve calming magnesium and calcium. When you're sweating during exercise, you're also losing valuable minerals and consuming sage as a tea (which you shouldn't steep for more than ten minutes because this makes it highly bitter and toxic), is an excellent way to offset that loss. It's also effective as sweat stopping foot powder, or a soak, wash or rub, to prevent sweating from any leaky spot that may particularly peeve you.
Note: Sage causes complications in and is generally NOT advised for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Exercise Your Whole Body's Ability to Reduce Exercise Sweat
So that's a look at the lowest common denominator response that's causing your exercise induced primary hyperhidrosis and how to regulate it with nutrition. I think its important that I underscore just how crucial it is to not look for a 'quick fix,' as we've been trained to do is this society of instant superficial gratification and to start looking at your problem not just as an exercise related problem, or a head or underarm problem, but a whole body problem, that an excess or dearth of things in your environment, is making so problematic.
By making incremental changes in your diet and listening to your body's sweat and other responses, you'll move ahead faster on your path to recovery and a fit body. The latter, well it'll move that recovery from excessive sweat into lightspeed for a reason I decided to save for last: the stronger you become, the more capable you are of coping with your days stressful activities, without breaking so much as a spec of sweat.
An Important Reminder: Everybody responds differently to different health treatments. The contents of this article are provided strictly for informational purposes, on an 'AS IS' basis, and are not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a licensed medical professional before using any excessive sweating related plan of treatment or product product. Only a licensed medical professional is qualified to determine whether the primary cause of any sweating you deem excessive is hyperhidrosis or one of the following underlying conditions: any infection that causes a fever, Hodgkins' disease, tuberculosis, overactive thyroid, heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, malaria, liver and kidney disease, blood sugar irregularities and menopause. (Note: the preceding list may not be complete.)
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