Monday, September 6, 2010

Stop Underarm Sweating Naturally - Stop Poisoning, Start Healing

I know. Everyone does it but not like you. You do it whether you're working up a sweat or cooling down in front of a fan. You do in the bathroom after getting out of a cool shower. You do it in the kitchen with a turkey in the oven and in the freezer section buying that turkey. You do it with the windows open in the car on a hot summer day, or while scraping the windshield of that car after a deep freeze. What you do so much better than everyone else that makes you feel worse than everyone else? Underarm sweating.

The time has come to stop letting your pits turn glorious occasions into 'the pits' and stop allowing them to be your stylist for that occasion, choosing oversized black t-shirts or making you wear an undershirt AND a jacket at the office, just cause your dress shirt is too underarm revealing. But more importantly it's time to start trying to stop a flood with sacks of sand (AKA pore clogging toxic anti-perspirants) when you really need to close the floodgates (AKA the sweat glands).

By the way: If you can't bring yourself to fight a daily 'war on sweat' with big pharma funding chemical warfare, I recommend you also check out the 100s of pages of proven natural ways to make peace with your sweat response in this audio/ebook guide, by former sweat casualty Matt Stec. Although Stec lets you have it for free if salt water doesn't stop washing away your style of life, be prepared to change your lifestyle. As he points out, and akin to everything I discuss here: it's a "lifelong solution", not a "magical instant cure."

If you're gonna stop underarm sweat (the unnecessary and water wasting type, we're talking about here) naturally and permanently, you'll want to start with a plan for lessening the amount of sweat that penetrates the skin naturally. First I want you to take what may seem like a leap of faith into the unknown and away from your only line of defense. I want you to go and throw out all the weapons you are currently using to punish your body for its underarm sweat onslaughts. Your Alzheimer's disease causing antiperspirants and deodorants that aren't natural, including creams and sprays, that is.

All these do is provide a temporary solution (which is the way they are designed to work so you keep buying them), while also actually making your underarms rain harder when the temporary dam collapses and the reservoir spills free. If you want to solve your problem for good you need to focus your time and energy on working with your body's sweat needs so it can meet yours.

Daily Underarm Dryness and Odorlessness with Ingredients You Can Pronounce

Now before you think that I'm going to try and convince you to try and confidently face the day tomorrow with nothing to back you up when things get wet under there, here is a completely natural deodorizing and antiperspirational 3-step plan that, unlike your current pharmacy kind, you won't have to reapply until you have a wet and stick mess.

1. Soak

 Fill up a basin with the coldest water you can stand - this cold water alone will shrink your pores and give you 2 hours of the simplest and best 'wetness protection' imaginable. Into that water, you want to add ingredients with the scientific antiperspirant quality that makes 'Right Guard' look like the entirely 'wrong guard' - astringents, that is. Easily sourced ingredients, some of which you probably have in your kitchen or bathroom, such as black tea, tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, witch hazel, pine, lavender or sage extract/oil, citrus juice, vinegar, ginger and radishes or turnips, which all tighten, harden and dry the skin. You want to get these into the water. You can make tea with the actual solid ingredient to add to the soaking liquid (be careful not to over dilute it) or you can add the extract or juice. Now soak your underarms in this for ten minutes each. This step alone will likely keep you from having a serious problem for hours.

2. Scrub

 The next step involves your usual shower (if you're like most people) and it also carries forward the good habit of using astringents that we developed in step one, only this time you're making a paste by combining them with baking soda (another astringent) and scrubbing away any bacteria. These astringent ingredients that I've introduced to you, are also excellent bacteria killers, so you will be deodorizing as well. Pick the ones with the smell that fits your profile.

3. Dry off and Dry on

 There is actually one more role for those soon to be famous in your house astringents from step 1. But first make sure you dry your armpits completely. Water combines with proteins and fats to create bacteria and since the underarms (along with the groin) are the only areas on your body that release these compounds along with sweat, causing thick, stinky and yellowish perspiration, you'll end up stinking in an hour if you don't take a few minutes to get dry.

And now for what I call 'drying on,' which means adding those natural dryness promoting ingredients to your skin to stay, all day. First apply a layer of baking soda to your shaved pits Then soak a cotton ball in the juice or extract of one of them you like and rub this on. Sage is a really good one because it actually slows down the hyperactive nerves in the sweat gland that lead to excessive underarm sweating. Go slow as some ingredients may cause irritation and a rash.

Your Gateway to Excessive Underarm Sweating's Root Causes

Your Daily Routine - These = Less Underarm Flooding

First of all, you need to understand that what you are or are not putting into your body on a daily basis, is your foremost way of causing or reaching out to the cause of your underarm sweating problem. Let's start with what you're putting in.

You can immediately prevent the amount of times you sweat per day (and even the amount) by getting rid of stimulants which heat up and toxify your body, both of which cause inordinate amounts of sweat. That includes caffeine, refined sugar products (white sugar) and nicotine.

Next, get rid of all foods that are toxifying you and causing your body to work overtime to detoxify itself (via sweat). Choose non genetically modified, unmedicated/sprayed and especially organic fruits, vegetables, dairy, grains and meats. These will also be digested easier, causing you to sweat less. You will also lose weight if you are overweight and normalize your metabolism, once again causing you to sweat less.

New Habits That Make Excessive Underarm Sweat Old News

Now for what to add to your diet to reduce underarm sweat. If you think you are toxified, an ancient Chinese anti-sweating remedy called astragalus will likely be helpful. It's a pleasant tasting herb you can drink as a tea. If you excitement or anxiety causes you to underarm sweat there are herbal teas for this as well. Valerian and hops are too of the most potent natural sedatives out there. I also recommend you drink sage tea and/or cook with fresh sage. This will work to calm down overactive sweat glands, just like it does when you apply it externally.

Look Beyond the Underarm Sweat and Get Past the Struggle

I hope you see how much of a world of natural prevention and remedy is out there just waiting for you to put into action, so you can stop acting to cover your underarm sweat all day like it's an second head trying to pop out of your shirt. By using both long term and daily strategies you will more than likely eventually find harmony with the sweat glands you've been battling under your arms. Be natural, be safe and be dry.

An Important Reminder: Everybody responds differently to different health treatments. The contents of this article are provided strictly for informational purposes, on an 'AS IS' basis, and are not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a licensed medical professional before using any excessive sweating related plan of treatment or product product. Only a licensed medical professional is qualified to determine whether the primary cause of any sweating you deem excessive is hyperhidrosis or one of the following underlying conditions: any infection that causes a fever, Hodgkins' disease, tuberculosis, overactive thyroid, heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, malaria, liver and kidney disease, blood sugar irregularities and menopause. (Note: the preceding list may not be complete.)

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