Sunday, September 5, 2010

Excessive Sweating Home Remedies: Your Kitchen, the Perpertrator and Peacemaker

By Natural Sweating Remedies Editor Daven Deloreon

If you've ever skipped a night on the dance floor for a night at home watching celebrity dance competitions in front of a fan, until you feel like a dog that just jumped into a lake, or you've ever sat in the dark in your house instead of going to the beach with friends because it's just too darn nice out and you don't want to dress like you're dark and sinister (AKA all black), then here's one good reason to be at home:

excessive sweating home remedies.

By the way: If you can't bring yourself to fight a daily 'war on sweat' with big pharma funding chemical warfare, I recommend you also check out the 100s of pages of proven natural ways to make peace with your sweat response in this audio/ebook guide, by former sweat casualty Matt Stec. Although Stec lets you have it for free if salt water doesn't stop washing away your style of life, be prepared to change your lifestyle. As he points out, and akin to everything I discuss here: it's a "lifelong solution", not a "magical instant cure."

The idea of there being something in your cupboards right now that your body is crying  for (its tears being sweat) may seem a little like playing Deal or No Deal. However, if stopping sweating is a round of the popular aforementioned game show, here are your options if you are going to get yourself out of the house and being yourself:

1. Make a deal with the devilish big pharma companies to keep clogging your pores and sweat ducts with a heavy metal that causes brain damage (aluminum) or Botox (don't get me started on Surgery and prescription drugs), so they keep profiting and you keep kicking your body when it's already down
2. Decide to see what behind those cupboard doors (or could be without you having to worry about poisoning yourself or kids) that has been known for centuries to regulate and deodorize sticky, wet, sweat?

If you choose to take a chance on your body's ability to heal itself with the help of nature, instead of fighting that nature, follow me as I give you a tour of the well stocked sweat-stopping pantry.

Excessive Sweating Home Remedies That Painlessly Get You Outta the House

Let's start with the fast response team of superfluous sweat stoppers, in case you don't have time right now to start quitting bad habits or drinking pots of tea (more on these home remedies after this):
  1. Sage
  2. Black Tea
  3. Turnips, radishes, citrus fruits or ginger
  4. Vinegar
  5. Cold water
Ok you got some of these. You have at least one I hope. The others you know your grocery store has. But what the heck do these things have in common and why does that common denominator make them sweat terminators? Well, the first four are the really powerful ones; the water is just for a little trick that'll buy you a couple of confident hours out being yourself with friends. Sage, black tea, and the three vegetables and vinegar are all what's called astringents because they contain tannins - no need to remember that bit of science, just remember that they dry, harden and tighten skin tissue, which means less sweat. Sage is also said to actually relax the nerves in the sweat glands, preventing hyper-sweating if yours are hyperactive.

So, here's how to benefit from this kitchen residing team of sweat body guards and in just a couple of minutes. You actually don't need all of them. Just use what you've got but the more you have the better. If you've got ten minutes start with a quick soak. The idea is to soak your sweating problem areas in water infused with any of these anti-sweat kitchen dwellers. If your whole body sweats you can fill up a bath tub and add a tea of sage leaves (fresh or dried), actual black tea, ginger, or the fresh juice of turnips radishes or citrus fruits. Almost forgot about ingredient four, vinegar - you can just pour this one in and it doesn't matter what kind.

If you fill up a full-size tub, you'll need to add a few cups of juice and probably a few litres of tea to benefit - but just play it safe while eye-balling it. It's a lot easier and quicker to fill up a small basin of some type with water and add maybe a cup of juice or pot of tea but if you do this clean your body first. If you're in a really big hurry simply take a shower and scrub your body with these astringent ingredients, such as a lemon halve, in the shower to kill bacteria (they're all antiseptic as well) and prevent sweat. Or, if you've got one leg out the door, wash your sweaty areas with a cold damp cloth dipped in juice or tea of on of these ingredients.

Notice, I said cold there. I almost forgot to tell you about the cold water. It shrinks your pores, and soaking in it for 10 minutes is actually proven to reduce sweat for a couple of hours.

Don't stop with a soak or shower. Take these ingredients with you to stop sweat and fight bacteria. Dab a cotton ball in some sage, ginger or black tea, citrus juice or vinegar (you can get sage extract or juice for this purpose too) and apply this to your clean, shaven, skin, be it that of your face, hands, feet, groin...whatever. If you can get witch hazel extract at your local health food store, this is especially good for this purpose, although not entirely necessary.

Excessive Sweating Home Remedies For the Next Time You Go into Your Kitchen

OK, so you know how to use a couple of kitchen staples to keep your sweat glands temporarily in check. But let's not relegate your sweat problem to a last minute consideration on your way out the door, along with how many hours of charge you have on your phone or mints in your purse. Let's stop preventing and start proacting (AKA being proactive). This is pretty easy when you consider that most of why you sweat and stink is because of what is or what isn't in your kitchen right now. Don't believe me? Try swallowing this:
  • One reason your body sweats is to detoxify your body and the common diet today is packed with hundreds of toxins
  • Stimulants, like sugar found in most every process food, cause your temperature to rise and your body to sweat to bring it back down
  • Refined and genetically modified (GM) foods, most of what in the commoners grocery store today, give your digestive system fits and cause you to heat up, triggering your body's AC (AKA sweat response)
  • A natural diet, aside from being compatible with your body and incomparably nutrient dense, helps you develop a healthy metabolic rate, which is integral to maintaining a normal body heat and consequently normalize sweating
  • A healthy metabolic rate means a healthy weight for an otherwise healthy person and this means less body heat and sweating.
Alright, now comes an episode of What Not to Eat, where you go into your kitchen and start making some painful decisions on behalf of the best interests of your sweat response and total health - don't worry you'll wonder why it was so hard on the day that results are first revealed. I'll make this simple (not easy): get rid of everything that has ingredients in it that you wouldn't eat even a smidgen of individually.

Also get rid of anything in plastic containers and the plastic containers, as these leach Bysphemal A (AKA BPA or Estrogen A) a synthetic hormone that plays the role of estrogen in your body, which lead to imbalances and may cause excess sweating. Soy products are also chemically altered in a way that causes them to stimulate estrogen. This is all not normal and not normal when you have abnormal sweating, can only mean not good in my mind. Also get rid of anything that contains stimulants, namely sugar and caffeine and anything that is highly odoriferous, if you have an odor problem, such as garlic, onions and strong spices.

Now let's restock that fridge and those cupboards. Here's a shopping list:

Non GM and preferably organic (focus on high b vitamin content):
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Grains and Breads
  • Condiments and sauces (low or no sugar)
Unmedicated and preferably organic:
  • Meats and fish
  • Milk products
What you cook is up to you and that's where things become limitless and interesting. Or, if you can afford it and you're near one, I suppose you could go to a high end natural grocery and get their precooked offerings.

And here are some foods that have long established powers for rebalancing the sweat response:

Non GM and preferably organic:
  • Sage (We've already been through why this one is so special - drink as tea or use in cooking)
  • Valerian or hops for tea (if you have anxiety related sweating - natural sedatives)
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Raw honey (Mix with equal parts apple cider vinegar to make a special sweat-less daily potion - nutritious sweetener)
  • Tomato juice (This reduces sweating quickly for a lot of people and I'm actually not sure why)
Well that concludes this look at excessive sweating home remedies, for emergencies and for life. Keep in mind that not all of these ideas will work for you. It's in taking a hole life approach to getting your whole body working better keep you temperate and not wet, that you'll find the confidence to spend all night having fun out of the house.

An Important Reminder: Everybody responds differently to different health treatments. The contents of this article are provided strictly for informational purposes, on an 'AS IS' basis, and are not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a licensed medical professional before using any excessive sweating related plan of treatment or product product. Only a licensed medical professional is qualified to determine whether the primary cause of any sweating you deem excessive is hyperhidrosis or one of the following underlying conditions: any infection that causes a fever, Hodgkins' disease, tuberculosis, overactive thyroid, heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, malaria, liver and kidney disease, blood sugar irregularities and menopause. (Note: the preceding list may not be complete.)

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